The El Dorado High School Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) competed in a Students Taking Action with Recognition (STAR) event in Haysville on Feb. 22, 2025. The EHS chapter earned a gold membership award for increasing membership by over 30 percent this school year.

Two students earned individual medals. Jewelsuna Murphy competed in the Repurpose Redesign event and earned a silver medal. This event requires taking something old and creating something new and functional out of it. Jewels accidentally broke a mirror at home and used the broken pieces to create a picture frame.

Raileigna Erwin earned a bronze medal in the Leadership event. She read a book about leadership and collected feedback from adults in her life about leadership skills they see in her and what skills she could improve on. She did some self-reflection and focused on the valuable lessons she learned during the process and how those applied to her life.

There are several STAR events students can participate in. They all have a common theme of students doing something good for themselves, the community or their school, and tie into Family and Consumer Science.

FCCLA STAR medalists and sponsorL-R: Jewels Murphy, Larissa Wright (FCCLA Sponsor), and Raileigna Erwin.