El Dorado Public Schools teachers are provided with a variety of benefits. A summary of benefits for the teaching employees of the El Dorado Public Schools follows:
Employee liability insurance:
Liability insurance is carried on professional employees.
Health insurance:
The board pays $520 per month toward the purchase of any district health insurance plan (benefit pro-rated for less than 1.0 FTE). Additional options are available to benefit eligible employees.
Kansas Public Employment Retirement System (KPERS):
The Kansas State Department of Education requires employees to participate in the state's retirement program. The state of Kansas provides employees with a statement each year which summarizes contributions and other pertinent information.
Universal Leave:
On the first day of orientation, each teacher shall be credited with 12 days of “universal leave” with full pay. Universal leave includes days that were formerly termed sick leave or personal leave. See negotiated agreement for use of universal leave requirements.
Other leaves:
Additional leaves are available for legal leave, adoption leave, funeral leave, association leave and professional leave.
Social Security:
All school district employees are covered by the Federal Social Security Act. A required percentage of their salary is deducted to pay their portion of this protection and the school district matches their deductions dollar for dollar. The plan, as provided by the federal government, is designed for employees' future security and that of their dependents by providing retirement, disability and death benefits.
Tax-sheltered annuities:
School district employees are eligible to participate in approved tax-sheltered annuity programs.
Mutual Extraordinary leave:
Employees may request an extended leave due to dread diseases or catastrophic and life-threatening accidents or illnesses. A pool of temporary leave days has been created for the Board of Education to approve additional temporary leave days up to 25 days in the event of unusual circumstances which exceed the employee's available number of sick leave days.
Worker's compensation:
The school district carries insurance to cover the cost of work-incurred injury or illness. Benefits help pay for medical treatment and part of any income they may lose while recovering.