Science Olympiad

On Saturday, Feb. 1, the El Dorado High School Science Olympiad team traveled to Wichita Heights high school to compete in the Heights Snowball SciOly Invitational. Schools from across the region, and one from Topeka, were present to sharpen skills ahead of the regional competition.

Our students did well in most events, but three events brought back ribbons:

  • Helicopter: Jaxson Guthrie (jr.) & Kouper Kennedy (so.), 3rd Place

  • Entomology: Steven Porter (sr.) & Chloe Iverson (so.), 2nd Place

  • Geologic Mapping: Min Castor (jr.) & Raileigna Erwin (sr.), 1st Place

The team will compete in Regionals at Andover Central on Saturday, Feb. 22.