Explore 490 is a summer academic enrichment camp offered exclusively to current USD 490 students identified as at-risk who are in grades K-5. Students will rotate between classrooms with hands-on, project-based activities focused on reading, math, social studies, and science skills.

FREE breakfast, lunch, and shuttle bus transportation are provided.

The cost is $40. Students who qualified for free or reduced meals during the 2023-204 school year will have tuition waived.

Explore 490 Summer Camp
June 3 - June 27
Monday - Thursday
8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Grandview Elementary (2702 N. Country Club Rd.)

Registration for Summer 2024 has closed.

If you have questions or would like more information, please contact Christie Henderson at cmhenderson@usd490.org.

Explore 490 English

Explore 490 Spanish