Student explores career using virtual reality

El Dorado High School students in Mr. Miller’s Intro to Healthcare class had the opportunity to explore healthcare related careers via virtual reality on April 17.

Three representatives from the Workforce Alliance of South Central Kansas Youth Employment Project (YEP) brought virtual reality gaming headsets that were set up with simulations of job tasks from a variety of healthcare careers for students to use.

“It’s a great way to expose them to different careers and let them explore options,” YEP representative Chelsea Daniels said.

As a roadside EMT, students assisted someone who was in an accident by checking their vitals, placing a splint and a neck brace, and safely moving them onto a gurney.

student using VR

“It was really fun; I liked it a lot!” Jazlene Rodriguez said after completing the EMT activity.

Another simulation placed students in an operating room as a surgical technician assisting with a knee surgery. They had to use a bone saw and move part of the leg so the surgeon could insert a spacer.

“I didn’t like moving the leg, but the graphics were cool” Kasea Hicks said.

Kasea Hicks assists with knee surgery

Students could also explore phlebotomy by placing an IV. They seemed to enjoy the experience, with several returning to complete a different task after everyone else had an opportunity to try one.

The goal of the Youth Employment Project is to help students obtain the basic skills they will need to be successful in any career path. They assist with creating resumés, practicing interview skills, and teaching students about financial literacy.

“We want to help the students as a whole, regardless of their career path,” Daniels said.

Students are able to sign up for a monthly newsletter from YEP that includes information about internships, job opportunities and skill-building tips. For more information or to sign up for the newsletter, please visit their website:

student using VR