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About PIE

PIE Prize Patrol

about pie


Education...the greatest equalizer of the conditions of men.  - Horace Mann

Who We Are

•  To provide resources to help enhance the quality of education in the El Dorado Public Schools;

•  To support and stimulate innovation which fosters efforts to…

- enhance the learning environment,
- encourage effective instruction,
- challenge students,
- support faculty; and

•  To nurture interaction between the schools and the community.

How We Function - Our Donors, Our Events, Our Volunteers

Dollars for PIE grants, scholarships, and awards are generated by earnings from endowed funds, by donations from individuals, corporations, and foundations and by fundraising events. Since 1989, PIE donors have made an impact of  more than $3.8 million in contributions.  Memorials have been established to honor former teachers  and loved ones.

Mutual Benefit... It's what happens when schools and communities
work together to support learning.

How We Originated A Citizen - Led Initiative

Partners in Education—a 501(c)3 organization— was created in 1989 by a group of parents who believed that quality of life is directly linked to the quality of education provided. Their first funding priority was the Grants to Schools Program. Through this program, students experience innovative ventures outside the core curriculum which otherwise could not be funded.

What We've Done - Our Successes

The Grants to Schools Program remains  PIE’s largest funding priority.  Annually,  50 to 60 teachers receive grants,  and hundreds of students benefit through the resulting purchase of materials for curriculum enhancement.  Scholarships to graduates and grants and awards to other students have increased the Foundation’s reach to include all levels of funding for USD 490 students.

Board of Directors

Ken Clausing- President
Jonathan Craig- Vice President
Laura Luehrs - Treasurer
Darah Evans - Secretary

Bernie Spradling- Past President
Wendy McAdoo- Investment Chair
Cindy Koehler- Allocations Chair

Katie Banks-Todd
Carolyn Dwire
Seth Hadley

Doug Jensen
Julie Jensen
Linda Lutz
Alana McNary
Remington Putter
Andrew Tipton

USD 490 Superintendent
Executive Director of
Support Services
Board of Education Representative

Schools Represented
El Dorado High School
El Dorado Middle School
Grandview Elementary
Blackmore Elementary
Skelly Elementary

Development Director
Rod Blackburn
(316) 322-4800

Honor Roll
David and Sandra Adams
John and Michelle Banks
Bernadette Spradling
BG Products Inc.
CDH, Inc.
Commerce BancShares Foundation
Ramon and Betty Criss
Ted and Barbara Dankert
Kelly and James Davidson
Earl Davis
Steve Domann
EHS Booster Club
El Dorado Charities Auxillary
Marie Hieger
HollyFrontier El Dorado Refining Co.
K.T. Wiedemann Foundation, Inc.
Robert and Teresa Poe
David Powell
Helmut Riedinger
David and Sindi Sundgren
James Tiner
Jackie Vietti

Partners in Education Foundation  •  124 West Central Ave.  •  El Dorado, KS 67042  •  Phone: 316-322-4800  •  FAX: 316-322-4801 • Copyright © 2014 El Dorado Public Schools. All Rights Reserved.