Parents and Students,
We have 2 changes to upcoming events.
Soccer today 9/16 vs Winfield has been postponed and will be rescheduled. TBD as of now
JV Football on Monday 9/20 at Labette has been cancelled
Scott Vang
El Dorado AD
Mrs. Eaton and Mr. Fellers have put together a display in the EHS library in remembrance of the 20th anniversary of the attacks of 9/11. Students can stop by to learn more about both the tragedy and heroism that unfolded.
Check out this robotic elephant created by an EHS student using Legos purchased with funds from a Partners In Education Foundation Cantrell Grant! #EveryDayWithExcellence #PartOfThePride
Don't forget...Enrollment opens TODAY!
What a wonderful example of community connection! EHS art teachers and students worked with the Partners in Education Foundation to create what we hope is the first of many murals in the community. This one is located at Fourth and Main!