Apply Kansas poster and banners

El Dorado High School was named a 2024 Apply Kansas High School by the Kansas Board of Regents for their involvement in Apply Kansas, FAFSA, and senior signing day events.

These events are focused on helping students apply for colleges and technical schools, filling out scholarship and federal financial aid applications, and celebrating students’ plans for after high school graduation, whether that be college, vocational school, or career.

“Our favorite event was decision day,” Staci Rickard, College, Career and Community Specialist said.

This event provided parents an opportunity to join their senior for a celebration of whatever they have decided to do after high school. Snacks and swag from the schools students are planning to attend were provided, along with photo opportunities.

Representatives from Butler Community College, Wichita State University, and the Kansas Workforce were present to help students celebrate.

2024 All Star High School