BCC students play games with students in the GE gym
Paul and Adele Wilkins
USD 490 admin retreat training
Blackmore, Grandview, and Skelly Elementary PLTW Distinguished Schools
Welcome to the pride Midge Simmons Grandview Principal
Grandview fifth graders with rockets
Jim Shum receives Golden Apple award from KAKE
Preschool enrollment now OPEN for 23-24 year
Jamie Ball receives KAKE Golden Apple Award
Student Teacher Tailor Kelty works on reading skills with Skelly students
Kindergarten Kickoff April 27 6-7 PM
Explore 490 June 5- June 29, 2023
Ronald Butcher holding a stop sign at Country Club and McCollum
Jefferson Knapp and his animatronic snake in the Blackmore gym
Students make eyes with fingers for yellow and orange colored fruits and vegetables that support eye health
McDonalds People Experience Lead Caitlyn Beneke presents McTeacher Night check to Blackmore Principal Chad Schuetz