In honor of National Crossing Guard Day, USD 490 would like to take the opportunity to give a SHOUT OUT to our crossing guards: Robert Ogg at Blackmore Elementary and Ronald Butcher at McCollum and Country Club.
These gentlemen are out there rain, shine, sleet or snow to help our students, families, and staff reach school safely each morning and return home each afternoon.
Mr. Butcher keeps track of how many people use the crosswalk at Country Club and McCollum. On a really cold week the number of people walking may drop, but when the weather is warmer he has seen up to nearly 400 people per week using that crosswalk.
Even drivers benefit from his friendly demeanor. He waves and shares a genuine smile with everyone that passes.
“It started as a way to do some upper body exercise while I’m out here,” Butcher said. “But now I really like to give a smile and a wave as people go by. It makes their day start out nice.”
Grandview PTO donated a weather shield to Mr. Butcher to help combat the wind and rain as he waits for pedestrians to arrive.
Mr. Ogg began at the crosswalk located on Third and Residence, but there were not many people crossing the street there. He now helps people cross the morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up traffic directly in front of the school.