Workforce Alliance presents to Social Skills class

El Dorado Middle School students in Mrs. Vides’ Social Skills classes learned about opportunities available to teens through the Workforce Alliance’s Youth Employment Project (YEP) on November 9.

Workforce Alliance employees Auston Cooley and Amanda Hill spoke to students about the services they provide such as career exploration, interview practice, resume writing, setting up job shadows and internships, and a monthly newsletter that includes information and tips for job seekers.

The Youth Employment Project focuses on career exploration, which is the process of discovering career options as they relate to a person’s skills and interests. Hill suggested students do some self-assessment to help them identify their skills and interests as they relate to careers. She suggested they research job requirements and subject areas for careers that interest them, conduct information interviews, or participate in job shadows or internships. These are all ways students can learn more about a particular area of interest to gain insight into whether or not it might be a good fit for them.

Resumés are documents that market a job candidate to their potential employer. For students, items like chores or school involvement can be included to demonstrate transferrable skills or highlight characteristics such as leadership or responsibility in place of actual work experience.

Cooley talked to students about Camp Hype. There is no charge for middle and high school students to attend one of the four-day camps that introduce students to trade jobs, military options, or any number of other employment paths.

“The whole point is to treat those four days like a job,” Cooley said. “If you don’t fully participate or you miss days, your pay can be docked or you can be asked not to return if you are not acting responsibly.”

Breakfast and lunch are included and participants are provided a $200 stipend for successfully completing the four-day program.

For more information about Workforce Alliance, YEP, or Camp Hype, please visit their website: